In Nagoya, Higashi-ku, "acupuncture weathercock".In our hospital, after being based on modern medicine, we are practicing the treatment method based on the classic of acupuncture and moxibustion.After medical examination is that the modern medical examination, to understand the constitution and condition by the pulse diagnostic-belly Mi Setsumi, make this root treatment (fundamental therapy or systemic therapy), the balance of the original body with its own it is trimmed.At the same perform the treatment to remove the pain by performing the ShimegiOsamuho (symptomatic treatment or local treatment) according to the complaints at the same time.Instead of performing the treatment only at pain of the body, as seen in the total from the balance of the whole body, we will continue to care from the root of the body.In addition to acupuncture, such as through health gymnastics, food regimen, aromatherapy, we also advice such as will lead to health in total.Everyone is, we would like to strive to become the unsung hero of the order to enjoy the day-to-day life.-----------------◎ main function-----------------● You can easily pay by app!By registering your credit card information, cash also without also issued credit card, safely you can pay.Please have your voice only as "payment in the app" at the time of accounting.● You can manage the consultation ticket in the app.Display function of "membership number bar code" is, to present at the time of acceptance and payment, you can guide you smoothly.● Collect stamps get in the shop, we are able to receive the best deals benefits.● The function of the next visit date registration, because the push notification arrives the day before you have registered, you can re-confirmation of the appointment.-----------------◎ Notes-----------------● This app displays the latest information using the Internet communication.● depending on the model, there is not available in all terminals.● This app is not compatible with the tablet. (But it can be installed by some models, because there are times when that does not work properly, please note.)● When you install this application, the registration of personal information there is not necessity. Please check at the time of each service, please enter the information.